Living wisdom flows in this ancient Nordic expression; daily diligent practice is thus a wonderful idea.
When it's raining, however, it's time to lean back in soft cushions to seek new or profound inspiration from serious literature. Maybe in company with a cup of tea or hot chocolate.
Several valuable books are to be found through the menu to the left - and below two delicious recipes for rainy hours in summer or winter. Enjoy!
Dissolve the green tea powder in the boiled water, which first have cooled a few minutes so the temperature has fallen to app. 80 degrees celsius. If you use tea leaves let them infuse for 2-3 minutes in water at the same temperature. Discard the tea leaves, if the tea has been made in that manner, and save the tea. Molasses sugar, maple syrup or honey is dissolved in the tea if you want it sweet.
Let the tea concentrate cool for ten minutes. Then pour it into a large jug or bowl able to contain at least two litres. Then pour the mineral water in - it foams, so be careful: pour it slowly and preferably down the side of the jug/bowl, which is held on the slant. Add lemon juice.
Melt the chocolate carefully by low heat in a thick-bottomed pot, and then add the other ingredients. After you've added milk, you can bring it to an almost boil. Remember to stir at the bottom all the time (unless of course you possess the exquisite taste for burnt milk). Less milk makes thicker chocolate.